Sunday, July 8, 2012

If a tree falls in a forest

Jeff Jordan, general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, wrote a guest post this week over at All Things Digital. He focuses on the disruption ecommerce is causing in the physical retail space — what he calls a "sea change in retail" — and makes an argument that ecommerce is going to wipe out physical retail across industries. More

So, like the tree falling the forest, dollars being spent by consumers in non-Dow-tracked industries like the commerce that goes on via eBay (NOT what goes with eBay stock, but the dollars EXCHANGED via eBay)...what about them? Do they not count? if I sell a book to you on eBay and make a profit on it, it may not show up on my taxes, right, yet it is still income, money that I could spend on something else.

The way we're calculating what is going on in today's economy just does not make any sense any more. 

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